Reaching Real People With Real People

Sunday Services
9:15 and 11am
in person, Facebook Live and uploaded to YouTube
Please come and join us.
At Bright Point Church we believe in all biblical forms of worship and encourage each other to grow in our worship lives as individuals and as the Church (Psalm 150). Our worship music is contemporary in style and is relevant to today's worshipper. We invite you to come as you are and worship our Great God in Spirit and in Truth! (John 4:24)
Every Sunday-
Adult Bible Group: 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Worship Service: 9:15 am
Fellowship & Coffee Shop: 10:15 am - 10:45 am
Worship Service: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
SHINE Kids Church is during the sermon time.
201 E. Main Street
Markleville, IN 46056

Bright Point Ministries, Inc. started out of a calling to do God"s work in a way that is different than most of the churches around the area. God called them to be more present in the lives of the people and their needs and to show the love of God in a true way with no selfish reasoning behind their actions or teachings. A few, like-minded individuals, decided to start this new venture together as a family of God united as one. They started in a building that was formally a church but had been purchased by a fine arts company and they rented it for 2 years. They were presented with a great opportunity to purchase a building and they accepted.
After 5 years the movement of the Holy Spirit has been incredible and they have experienced some amazing maturity in the current congregation. Early in 2017 Bright Point Ministries, Inc. was offered another opportunity to move their current congregation to a new location that is far more rural than the present location. In May of 2017 they purchased the new facility in Markleville, IN. They launched in the new building in Oct 2017 and are looking forward to some awesome changes and growth in the new area
Bright Point Ministries, Inc. is searching for people who truly want to learn about the relationship they can have with the one true God. They know that not everyone will like their style of music or the preaching but they are dedicated to loving people and helping them completely understand that God is there to love them unconditionally and prove that they can show that love the same way.
our pastors & LEADERS:
Jesse Flood
Lead Pastor
Pastor Jesse Flood has been in ministry for over 20 years. He went to Bible College in Richmond IN at FCFI. He has been married to his wife, Laura, for over 25 years and together they have 4 children.

Brad Henderson
Associate Pastor
Brad and Robin Henderson have been with Bright Point Ministries from it's beginning. Brad was awarded a Master's degree in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University in 2015. He and Robin were married in 1978, raised four children, and now have 3 grandchildren.

Todd Henderson
Worship Pastor
Todd Henderson has been with Bright Point Church since its conception. Todd is married to Destiny and has 2 beautiful young children.

April Adams
Shine Teen Ministry Leader
April Adams is a mom of 3 young men and has attended Bright Point Church since 2019.
April has a degree in elementary education from Ball State University and a degree in accounting from IUPUI; and has lived in the area most of her life.

Kayla Bleemel
Children's Leader
Kayla Bleemel has been married to Willy for 4 years and has a cute little guy, Keyan, along with a couple dogs and cats.
She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Indiana University and have taught in Hamilton Southeastern Schools for the last four years after graduating college.

Colleen Elsbury
Prayer Coordinator
Colleen Elsbury has been married to Dave for over 30 years. They live on a sheep farm, have 4 children, and 1 grandchild

Elliott Bramley
Shine Teen Ministry Leader
Elliott Bramley and his wife Tenley have been married 11 years and have two beautiful little girls.
Elliott joined Bright Point in 2022 and has serving in youth ministry on and off for over 13 years.
It's sad to say that many Christians, have been misled and emotionally coerced into tithing. This is not accurate and is not practiced at Bright Point Church. In 2 Corinthians 9:6 and 7 it is clear that the more generously we “sow” with the right attitude, the more abundantly we will reap. For some believers who do not earn much, giving generously may not mean a large amount. For others, it may mean millions of dollars, and far more than 10%. Each Christian’s situation is different, and that is why God does not prescribe specific amounts that we should give, but allows us to make our own decisions. Remember, we are “fellow laborers” with Him, and He loves to work with us in determining how much and to whom we should give, and He loves to bless us with more so that we can give more. That kind of giving makes for an exciting element in our Christian life.
We collect tithe and offerings every Sunday as an act of worship during service.
201 East Main Street
Markleville, IN 46056
201 East Main Street
Markleville, IN 46056
Statement of FAITH
...in the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct...
One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...
Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory...
The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit...
The Holy Spirit, by dwelling in the believer is able to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ...
The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ...
The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
We believe Baptism is the representation of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. There is no saving value in the water and that salvation is done in the heart by accepting Jesus as personal savior.